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A fight??

Yasasi Rajapakse

He raise his voice

and shouts at me..

he look at me,


he has never seen me,

he breaks his rules,

and he points at me...

I'l keep making,

his own tea,

I read his eyes,


blind..!! I'd be,

and now hes trying to,

get on his knee.

i know him well

and yet i see...

love inside,


thats my fee,

3 Responses so far.

  1. Deeps says:

    nice writing.shared in FB as well..this is what happens when you fight with your guy

  2. :) not actually. thanks for your comment.

  3. hes a gift from heaven i guess,
    there's very few more left,
    he'd say even when i do a mess,
    next time we should try our best,!!

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